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Happy New Year from my mum and me.

Another year draws to a close and I am like everyone else reflecting on the 365 days. It’s hard not to look back on the time that has passed and not get nostalgic and a little teary eyed. It has been a year! For most of us the downs have been trying to outdo each other and the highs… well they have had a challenge showing up.

At the beginning of 2021 I saw the hope the world had: A new year. Covid-19 will miraculously disappear and things will get back to normal (whatever that means) I believed that 2021 would do all in its power to try and outshine 2020. I called it from the beginning Jumanji Next Level and boy was I sorry to be right.

No one and nothing was spared. Anxiety was the norm for most of us. Lockdown was the new normal…

How could anyone possibly find anything to be happy about? My question is: how could you not?

I really think that it is at these times that actively looking for things, people, situations to be thankful for, purposefully living gratitude is what will keep us sane in this crazy, uncertain dispensation. This is what will help us face whatever 2022 has to throw at us. Believe you me when I say Jumanji, it ain’t over.

So as I reflected and sought things that have been a blessing I compiled a gratitude list to share with you in hope that you will get one going as well.

Here’s some of my gratitude list:

My family is together and safe. No one in my family got sick; even though my husband has had to go out to work.

In these uncertain times when economies are crashing my daughter got a job. and her daughter is healthy and happy.

My fledgling business is still around. I may have wondered if it made sense but every time I did God showed up and kept me going. From kiln defects to website disappearance and rebuilding. ArtbyGretaMichelle is still here.

I got to spend another Christmas with my mum. It was even more precious because so many people around me lost their parent or both. I am so thankful I still have my mother.

I started making a few new pieces and experimenting with other ideas for 2022. These are ideas I have been tossing around in my head but didn’t have the gumption to try. I set things in motion for launch.

I have commitments for January already. It’s usually a slow month but this time I am hitting the ground running.

I can go on but I think you have the idea. We have to , no matter how small or seemingly insignificant we must give thanks. Giving thanks isn’t just about courtesy. It is an act that sets in motion positive energy within us that drives negativity away. Yes I know it sounds like hippy juju but I kid you not; negative energy cannot exist in a positive field. We owe it to ourselves to find that so that we can share and help others to radiate too.

So… What are you thankful for?

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